Bath Salt Mineral 70 g

Dengan kandungan komposisi khusus garam kaya mineral yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh kita. Sangat ideal sebagai salah satu hidroterapi untuk menghilangkan lelah, meredakan ketegangan syaraf, otot kaku, dan pembengkakan kulit, serta aroma dari minyak ekstrak Jasmine akan meredakan pikiran maupun stres.
Cara Pakai: Untuk merendam kaki dan mandi. Larutkan garam dengan air hangat di bak mandi atau baskom. Rendam setidaknya selama 20 menit. Air bisa langsung digunakan untuk mandi. Terakhir bilas dengan air bersih.

With a unique composition of mineral & antioxidant-rich blend of stress-relieving epsom & sea salts with virgin coconut oil & natural extract needed by our bodies. This formula is ideal as a hydrotherapy to relieve fatigue, nerve tension, stiff muscles, and inflammation while soothing & softening the skin. Additionally, the aroma of plant extract oils will relieve thoughts and stress.
How to use: For foot soak and Shower: Dissolve salt with warm water in the bathtub or soak basin, then submerge for at least 20 minutes (water can be used directly for bathing). Finally, rinse thoroughly with clean water.

具有独特的矿物成分和富含抗氧化剂的混合物,可缓解压力的泻盐和海盐与初榨椰子油和我们身体所需的天然提取物。 该配方非常适合作为水疗来缓解疲劳、神经紧张、肌肉僵硬和炎症,同时舒缓和软化皮肤。 此外,植物萃取油的香气会缓解思绪和压力。使用方法: 泡脚和淋浴:在浴缸或泡澡盆中用温水溶解盐,然后浸泡至少 20 分钟(可直接用于沐浴)。 最后,用清水彻底冲洗干净。


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I really love this milk mask, the scent is amazing. And the effect on my skin is superb, I really like it. Besides being affordable, it has a significant effect on me. I don't regret buying it at all.
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This body scrub is so good! The particles are just right, not too rough but good enough for scrubbing. It makes my skin smooth and moisturized. What I like the most is the scent, it's more like jasmine, green tea.
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This variant from Bali Alus Face and Body Mask also worth the money, as it claims could brighten your skin, yes it does! Just use it regularly like twice a week, you would see the result. Also it's easy to use.
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I love it because after using it just a few times, it makes my skin brighter. Super fragrant, but those who don't like fragrance might not enjoy it as it has a strong scent.

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