Membantu melembutkan dan melembabkan rambut.
Cara Pakai : sebelum keramas basahi rambut, gunakan creambath lalu pijat kulit kepala selama 20 menit. Tutup rambut dengan handuk atau steam, lalu bilas dengan air hangat.
Help soften and moisturize the hair.
How To Use: Shampoo hair and rinse thoroughly before use. Gently massage product fully into damp hair and scalp. Use a head steamer or wrap head in a hot damp towel for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
使用方法:使用前洗发并彻底冲洗。 将产品轻轻按摩到湿润的头发和头皮中。 使用蒸笼或用热湿毛巾包裹头部 20 分钟。 用温水冲洗。
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How to place an order?
To order products on the Bali Alus website, add items to your shopping cart, enter shipping information, and complete the payment.
What methods can I make payments?
Bali Alus accepts payments via Virtual Account from several banks such as BCA, CIMB, Mandiri, BNI, Permata, BRI, and Credit Cards.
How long does it take to receive the products?
Online purchases at Bali Alus are processed on business days. Orders made on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or after operational hours will be processed on the following business day. Shipping typically takes 2-7 business days (possibly more) depending on the distance and courier load.