Lulur Scrub Cream 100 g

Mengandung coconut membantu melembabkan, melembutkan dan menyamarkan bekas luka. Membantu Membersihkan kotoran dari kulit, membantu membuat kulit lebih lembut, lembab, bersih dan menjaga kesehatan kulit.
Cara Pakai: Ambil lulur secukupnya lalu campur dengan sedikit air dan minyak. Gosokkan lulur secara merata ke seluruh tubuh, dipijit lembut dengan arah memutar searah jarum jam menggunakan jari atau telapak tangan. Untuk hasil terbaik gunakan lulur seminggu 2 kali sebelum mandi.

Helps in the removal of pollutants from the skin, makes the skin softer, moist, clean, and maintains skin health. It contains Coconut helps moisturize, soften and disguise scars.
How to use: Gently massage into the whole body. Let sit on skin for a few minutes until almost dry then rub off using the palm of your hand. Use the scrub anytime before or after bathing. After opening, keep the product chilled inside the refrigerator.

帮助去除皮肤污染物,使皮肤更柔软、湿润、清洁,保持皮肤健康。 它含有椰子,有助于滋润、软化和掩饰疤痕。
使用方法:轻轻按摩全身。 让皮肤在皮肤上静置几分钟,直到几乎变干,然后用手掌擦掉。 沐浴前或沐浴后随时使用磨砂膏。 打开后,将产品放在冰箱内冷藏。


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jara_arFemale Daily Review
I love it because after using it just a few times, it makes my skin brighter. Super fragrant, but those who don't like fragrance might not enjoy it as it has a strong scent.
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I really love this milk mask, the scent is amazing. And the effect on my skin is superb, I really like it. Besides being affordable, it has a significant effect on me. I don't regret buying it at all.
GatinhaFemale Daily Review
This body scrub is so good! The particles are just right, not too rough but good enough for scrubbing. It makes my skin smooth and moisturized. What I like the most is the scent, it's more like jasmine, green tea.
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This variant from Bali Alus Face and Body Mask also worth the money, as it claims could brighten your skin, yes it does! Just use it regularly like twice a week, you would see the result. Also it's easy to use.
jara_arFemale Daily Review
I love it because after using it just a few times, it makes my skin brighter. Super fragrant, but those who don't like fragrance might not enjoy it as it has a strong scent.
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I really love this milk mask, the scent is amazing. And the effect on my skin is superb, I really like it. Besides being affordable, it has a significant effect on me. I don't regret buying it at all.

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