Minyak Angin 10 mL


Minyak Angin Bali Alus Aromatherapy membantu meredakan pusing, mual, dan kelelahan dengan aroma lembut yang menenangkan, cocok untuk relaksasi setelah aktivitas panjang.

Varian Rematic efektif meredakan nyeri otot dan sendi dengan sensasi hangat, melancarkan peredaran darah, dan mengurangi rasa kaku.

Cara Pakai
Teteskan secukupnya, oleskan pada area yang diperlukan. Untuk Aromatherapy, gunakan di pelipis, leher, atau pergelangan tangan dan hirup aromanya. Untuk Rematic, aplikasikan di area nyeri atau kaku, lalu pijat lembut.


Bali Alus Aromatherapy Oil helps relieve headaches, nausea, and fatigue with its soothing, gentle aroma, perfect for relaxation after a long day.

The Rematic variant effectively relieves muscle and joint pain with a warming sensation, improves blood circulation, and reduces stiffness.

How to Use
Apply a few drops to the needed area. For Aromatherapy, use it on the temples, neck, or wrists and inhale the aroma. For Rematic, apply it to the painful or stiff area and gently massage.


巴厘岛 Alus 风油精 Aromatherapy 版本
巴厘岛 Alus 风油精的芳香疗愈配方,可有效缓解头痛、恶心和疲劳,柔和的香气适合在一天疲惫之后放松身心。


滴取适量涂抹在所需部位。Aromatherapy 版可涂抹在太阳穴、颈部或手腕并吸入芳香。风湿版适用于疼痛或僵硬的部位,轻轻按摩即可


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I love it because after using it just a few times, it makes my skin brighter. Super fragrant, but those who don't like fragrance might not enjoy it as it has a strong scent.

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