Membantu menyamarkan flek, stretch marks, selulit dan jerawat, menghangatkan tubuh dan melembutkan kulit. Terbuat dari ekstrak serai dan beras yang bermanfaat untuk membantu menyamarkan flek, stretch marks, selulit dan jerawat, membantu menghangatkan tubuh dan melembutkan kulit.
Cara Pakai: Basahi kulit, usapkan sabun secara merata dan gosok dengan lembut, diamkan 2-3 menit agar meresap dengan baik ke dalam kulit. Kemudian bilas dengan bersih.
Helps conceal blemishes, stretch marks, cellulite, and acne, as well as warming the body and softening the skin. Made from lemongrass and rice extracts, which is great for concealing spots, stretch marks, cellulite, and acne, as well as warming the body and softening the skin.
How to use: Wet the skin, apply the soap evenly, and massage gently. Let stand for 2-3 minutes to allow the soap to sink completely into the skin. Then thoroughly rinse.
Availability: 100 in stock
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