Shower Liquid VCO Plus Vitamin E 500 mL

Bali Alus Shower Liquid diformulasikan untuk melembutkan, mencerahkan, menjaga kelembaban kulit, membersihkan kulit dan memberikan kenikmatan pada mandi anda. Cara Pakai : Tuangkan setengah sendok teh atau lebih pada spons mandi sampai berbusa, gosok lembut pada permukaan kulit. Bilas secara menyeluruh.

Bali Alus Shower Liquid is formulated to soften, brighten, moisturize, cleanse, and add a sense of satisfaction to your bath. How To Use: Pour at least half a teaspoon of a shower gel on a bath sponge until it foams, then rub gently on the surface of the skin. Rinse thoroughly.

Bali Alus 沐浴液的配方可软化、提亮、滋润、清洁并为您的沐浴增添满足感。使用方法: 将至少半茶匙沐浴露倒在沐浴海绵上直至起泡,然后轻轻擦拭皮肤表面。彻底冲洗。


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I really love this milk mask, the scent is amazing. And the effect on my skin is superb, I really like it. Besides being affordable, it has a significant effect on me. I don't regret buying it at all.
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This body scrub is so good! The particles are just right, not too rough but good enough for scrubbing. It makes my skin smooth and moisturized. What I like the most is the scent, it's more like jasmine, green tea.
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This variant from Bali Alus Face and Body Mask also worth the money, as it claims could brighten your skin, yes it does! Just use it regularly like twice a week, you would see the result. Also it's easy to use.
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I love it because after using it just a few times, it makes my skin brighter. Super fragrant, but those who don't like fragrance might not enjoy it as it has a strong scent.

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